Privacy statement for Publication Forum panels

Last updated 22.2.2024

1. Data controller
Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV)
Kirkkokatu 6
00170 Helsinki
Tel. (09) 228 691
Business ID: 0524704-5 

2. Contact person
Elina Pylvänäinen
Publication Forum
Kirkkokatu 6
00170 Helsinki
Tel. +358 (0)44 745 6514

3. Name of the register
Register for candidates for Publication Forum panels

4. Legal basis and purpose for the processing of personal data
The legal basis for processing personal data is consent. The purpose of processing personal data is to enable the selection of experts for the Publication Forum panels and communication with them.

5. Data to be processed
a) Information collected upon registration: Name and email address.

b) Information collected on the application form: The following information is collected from the person making the proposal on behalf of the organisation or society: organisation or society, name, email address, phone number and position in the organisation or society. The following information is also collected from persons applying for the panel: gender, degree, field of degree, year of graduation, current position, language skills, fields of expertise and links to the home page and ORCID profile. Update 22.2.2024: From 1.3.2024, information is also collected from the candidates' engagements with scientific publication channels in the past five years.

6. Data sources
The data in the register is obtained a) from the person making the proposal on behalf of the organisation or society and b) from the person applying for a panel membership. The application form on TSV's website serves as the main channel for collecting the data. In addition, personal data can be updated for the purposes described in this privacy statement from publicly available sources.

7. Disclosure and transfer of data and transfer to areas outside the EU or the EEA
The names and affiliations of the persons selected for the panels will be published on the Publication Forum websites. Personal data is not transferred outside the EU or EEA.

8. Data protection
Care is taken when processing the register and the data processed with the help of information systems is properly protected. When register data is stored on Internet servers, the physical and digital security of the hardware is taken care of appropriately. The controller ensures that stored data and other data critical to the security of personal data are handled confidentially and only by those employees who need the data in their duties.

9. Storage period
Personal data is stored for the duration of a panel term (four years), so that the data can be used to search for complementary panel members, if necessary.

The controller rectifies, erasures or completes personal data in the register that is incorrect, unnecessary, incomplete or outdated in terms of the purpose of the processing, on its own initiative or at the request of the data subject.

10. Rights of the data subject
Every person in the register has the right to check what information about them has been stored in the register and to demand the rectification or erasure of inaccurate personal data if there is legal basis for it. A person in the register also has the right to request the erasure of the data concerning them from the register.

All contacts and requests regarding this statement should be made in writing or in person to the contact person named in this statement. The requester may be asked to prove their identity.

11. Changes to the privacy statement
If this statement is changed, the changes will be visible in the statement and dated.