JUFO portal privacy statement

Last updated 31.5.2024

This is a privacy statement for the JUFO portal in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The statement has been created on 31.5.2024.

Publication Forum is a rating and classification system to support the quality assessment of academic journals, book series, conferences and book publishers. Information and level rating of the publication channels included in the classification can be searched through the JUFO portal. The portal also includes professional and general publication series used by researchers working in Finland.

Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and CSC – IT Center for Science are responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the JUFO portal.

1. Data controller

Federation of Finnish Learned Societies
Kirkkokatu 6
00170 Helsinki
Tel. +358 (9) 228 691
Business ID: 0524704-5

2. Contact person

Elina Pylvänäinen
Publication Forum
Kirkkokatu 6
00170 Helsinki
Tel. +358 (0)44 745 6514

3. Name of the register

Register for suggestions made in the JUFO portal

4. Legal basis and purpose for the processing of personal data

According to the EU General Data Protection Regulation the legal basis for processing personal data is the controller's legitimate interest based on a customer relationship or other factual connection.

The purpose of processing personal data is to enable the research community to participate in the activities of the Publication Forum by making suggestions regarding publication channels in the JUFO portal. Making suggestions requires logging in, but it is possible to browse the content without logging in, in which case no personal data is saved.

5. What personal data do we process and where do we get the data?

5.1. Login information

In the JUFO portal, the Eduuni-ID Identity and Access Management is used for user identification. Before logging in, the user registers an Eduuni-ID and the registration is done using the user's work email address, name and organisation. The Eduuni-ID service has its own privacy statement, which contains information on, among other things, the storage and transfer of data (Eduuni-ID privacy statement).

The following data about the user is transferred to the JUFO portal when logging in with the Eduuni-ID. The data is used for different purposes as follows:

  • Name: To identify the user.
  • E-mail: User's contact information.

5.2. System information

The delivery, maintenance and use of the JUFO portal generate personal data in the form of log data that is produced by technical systems. The purpose of this data is to ensure the maintenance of the technical system of the JUFO portal and to help solve possible error situations.

6. Disclosure of personal data

The personal data of the JUFO portal is disclosed to the secretariat of the Publication Forum in the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. The data can also be accessed by the IT services of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies and, in the case of CSC – IT Center for Science, the development team of the JUFO portal. The name and e-mail address of the person making the suggestion are stored in connection with the suggestion, and they are visible to the members of the evaluation panels of the Publication Forum. Personal data will not be disclosed to other parties.

7. Do we transfer data to areas outside the EU or the EEA?

The place of personal data storage is Finland. Personal data is not transferred outside the EU or EEA.

8. How do we protect the data and what is the data storage time?

Care is taken when processing the register and the data is properly protected. The physical and digital data security of the servers used to store the data is taken care of appropriately. Stored data is handled confidentially and only by those employees whose job description it is.

Personal data related to suggestions made in the JUFO portal (name and e-mail address) will be stored for a maximum of four calendar years for the purpose of the review of ratings that is carried out every four years, after which the suggestions will be anonymised.

9. What are your rights as a data subject?

9.1. The right to get access and to rectify the data

Every person in the register has the right to check what information about them has been stored in the register and to demand the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning them and to have incomplete personal data completed. If a person wants to check the information stored about them or demand rectifications, the request must be sent in writing and signed to the contact person of the register. The request can also be submitted in person at the address mentioned above. When submitting a request in person, the customer must have an identity document with them. The controller responds to the customer within the time stipulated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

9.2. The right to object to the processing of the data

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, the data subject has the right to object to data processing actions and to file a complaint about the processing of personal data with the supervisory authority.

9.3. Other rights of the data subject

A person in the register has the right to have the controller erase data concerning them from the register ("the right to be forgotten"). Those registered also have other rights according to the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, such as the right to request the controller to restrict the processing of personal data concerning them in certain situations. The request must be sent in writing and signed to the contact person of the register. The request can also be submitted in person at the address mentioned above. When submitting a request in person, the customer must have an identity document with them. The controller responds to the customer within the time stipulated in the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

10. Changes to the privacy statement

If this statement is updated, the changes will be visible in the statement and dated. If the changes are significant, we can also inform about these in other ways, such as by e-mail or on our website. We recommend that you visit our website regularly and take note of any changes in the statement.