Re-evaluation of levels 2 and 3 completed

Photo of a running track.

The panels decided on a total of about 1500 new upgrades to levels 2 and 3. The classification of book publishers will tighten from 2024.

During 2022, the Publication Forum panels carried out a re-evaluation of levels 2 and 3. The panels decided to upgrade a total of 1497 journals/series to levels 2 and 3. This includes 888 new upgrades to level 2 and 609 upgrades to level 3. In addition, the panels decided to downgrade the level of 51 publication channels. These changes to the levels entered into force in the beginning of 2023, and they apply to peer-reviewed articles and books published from 1.1.2023. The new classification can be seen on the JUFO portal and all the changes can also be found from this table panel by panel.

The panels had the opportunity to upgrade more channels to levels 2 and 3 than in previous re-evaluations because the Steering group of the Publication Forum had decided to increase the quotas for levels 2 and 3. The combined publication volume of the series rated to levels 2 and 3 can be maximum 25% of the aggregate publication volume of levels 1–3, and level 3 10%. The enlarged quotas allowed the panels to focus on new upgrades and the equality of the classification between different disciplines. The panels also had the option to downgrade the level of publication channels if, for example, the quality of the channel had changed.

The scientific community had the opportunity to participate in the re-evaluation by making proposals for level amendments through the JUFO portal. More than 1000 proposals were received and they concerned more than 700 publication channels. The panels used the suggestions to support their re-evaluation work and ended up changing the level of about 300 of these publication channels.

Six new Finnish-language journals to level 2

Prior to the re-evaluation, there were 23 Finnish- or Swedish-language publication series at level 2. In the re-evaluation the panels decided to upgrade six new series to level 2: Kulttuurintutkimus, Lähikuva, Musiikki, Näyttämö ja tutkimus, Puhe ja kieli, and Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti. Domestic language publication channels are especially important for humanities and social sciences and these new upgrades strengthen their position in the classification. The vast majority of articles and books published in both Finnish and English fall into level 1.

All Finnish- and Swedish-language journals/series at level 2:

  • Ajatus

  • Elore

  • Folkmålsstudier

  • Hallinnon tutkimus

  • Historiallinen aikakauskirja

  • Historiallisia tutkimuksia

  • Historisk tidskrift för Finland

  • Kasvatus

  • Kirjallisuudentutkimuksen aikakauslehti avain

  • Kulttuurintutkimus

  • Lakimies

  • Lähikuva

  • Media ja viestintä

  • Musiikki

  • Näyttämö ja tutkimus

  • Oikeus

  • Politiikka

  • Psykologia

  • Puhe ja kieli

  • Sananjalka

  • Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Litteratursällskapet i Finland

  • Sosiaalilääketieteellinen aikakauslehti

  • Sosiologia

  • Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seuran toimituksia

  • Taidehistoriallisia tutkimuksia

  • Teologinen aikakauskirja

  • Terra: maantieteellinen aikakauskirja

  • Virittäjä

  • Yhteiskuntapolitiikka

Routledge and Palgrave MacMillan will be downgraded to level 2

The classification of book publishers will tighten slightly from the beginning of 2024 as the Steering group decided to downgrade Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan from level 3 to level 2. The background of the discussion was the observation that a significantly larger proportion of English-language monographs and book articles are placed at level 2 and 3 than other types of publications.

The panels discussed the classification of book publishers as part of the re-evaluation process. In particular Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan were discussed as their publication volumes have increased strongly in recent years (Figure 1). The panels discussed whether these publishers are still selective enough for level 3.

Pylväskaavio tasolla 3 olevien kirjakustantajien julkaisumäärien kehityksestä Suomessa vuosina 2011-2020. Julkaisumäärät ovat pysyneet tasaisena muilla kustantajilla, mutta Routledgen ja Palgrave Macmillanin julkaisumäärät ovat nousseet voimakkaasti.
Figure 1. Publication volumes of level 3 book publishers in Finland in 2011 - 2020.

Based on the panel discussions and the feedback received from the scientific community, there is increasing variation in the quality assessment of Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan publications. The Steering group decided that these publishers will be downgraded to level 2 from the beginning of 2024, but the panels have an opportunity to identify the highest quality book series of these publishers and upgrade them to level 3. This change balances the classification between different publication types.

Later in the spring, we will organise a Publication Forum seminar open to everyone, where the new classification will be presented in more detail. The date of the seminar will be published later.

Further information and questions:

Image: Digital Buggu, Pexels.

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