Comment on the changes to the JUFO levels 2 and 3

Photo of two post it notes on a desk. On the notes there is a text: "Changes to JUFO levels 2 and 3. Comment by 31.8.!".

The preliminary classification of the Publication Forum panels is available in the JUFO portal.

During the spring of 2022, the Publication Forum expert panels have prepared their preliminary proposals for changes to JUFO levels 2 and 3. This work is part of a four-yearly re-evaluation of levels 2 and 3.

Due to extended quotas for levels 2 and 3, the panels have been able to upgrade the leading publication channels from different research fields to levels 2 and 3. The panels have proposed a total of 880 new upgrades to level 2 and 593 upgrades to level 3. Only 37 downgrades were proposed regarding levels 2 and 3.

Suggestions from the scientific community formed the basis for the re-evaluation work and the panels also paid attention to the balanced representation of different research fields at the higher levels. The panels also used impact and quality indicators to support the evaluation.

The proposed changes to the level ratings by the panels are available in the JUFO portal (login required). A new column “New level” has been added to the list view on the portal front page and it shows the proposed level changes. It is also possible to use a filter “New level proposals” under Additional filters to narrow down the search only to those channels where a change to the level rating has been proposed. In addition to these new features, the open access information in the portal has been improved during the spring.

The scientific community has the opportunity to comment on the changes that the panels have proposed to the level ratings of the publication channels by making suggestions through the JUFO portal (by suggesting the level in which you think the publication channel should belong). Suggestions can be made until the end of August.

The Publication Forum panels will finalise their classifications during the autumn 2022 so there may still be changes to the preliminary classifications. After being finalised and confirmed, the changes to levels 2 and 3 will take effect from the beginning of 2023.

Learn more about classification criteria and level quotas.

Photo: Lukas, Pexels.

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