Propose book series to level 3

Image of books.

The research community has an opportunity to propose the most prestigious book series from level 2 book publishers to level 3.

The survey is a continuation of the survey carried out in March 2023, in which the research community was asked for suggestions for the highest level book series from Routledge and Palgrave Macmillan. The survey received suggestions from 97 respondents and the Publication Forum panels considered it important to continue the survey and have an opportunity to upgrade book series from other book publishers as well. Based on this feedback, the Publication Forum steering group decided in May that the panels can also propose book series from other level 2 book publishers to level 3.

A new LimeSurvey form has been opened for level 3 book series suggestions. On the form, respondents are asked to provide justifications that the suggested book series meet the JUFO level 3 criteria. Only one book series can be proposed at a time but it is possible to fill out the form several times.

The panels will go through the received suggestions at their autumn meetings in October and November and prepare a proposal for level 3 book series to the chairs of the humanities and social sciences panels. The chairs will prepare a joint proposal for the steering group's November meeting.

Please suggest book series to level with this LimeSurvey form.

The form is open until 15.9.2023.

Image: Tom Hermans, Unsplash.

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