Do you or does your background organisation have an ongoing Open Science project or initiative? Come and present it at the Open Science and Research Summer Conference!
Winter Conference 2023 is organised by The National Open Science and Research Coordination, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), Savonia University of Applied Sciences and Karelia University of Applied Sciences.
The workshop provides the open science and research expert panels and working groups with an opportunity to work on shared issues. The programme will be published closer to the event.
The Publication Forum Steering Group appointed new panels for the term 2022-2025 on 18th October 2021. A total of 296 experts were appointed for the panels.
The workshop offers the open science expert groups and working groups a chance to meet and work on mutual projects. Please note that the working language is Finnish unless otherwise specified.
[In Finnish] Työpajapäivän tarkoituksena on vastata avoimen tieteen asiantuntijaryhmien ja työryhmien tarpeeseen työstää asioita yhdessä. Asiantuntija- ja työryhmien omissa osuuksissa keskitytään käytännön tekemiseen.
Recommendations on Open Scholarship
Criteria for a good knowledge base (2024)
The self-evaluation tool for culture of open scholarship services (2022)
Open science recommendation and checklist for research, development and innovation activities in
The most important task assigned to the Panels is the evaluation and classification of academic publication channels in the fields covered by each individual Panel. The practical evaluation work takes place through a web portal designed for the Panellists
Publication Forum evaluates domestic and foreign academic publication channels.
Level 1 includes peer-reviewed publication channels that are specialised in the publication of scientific research outcomes and have an editorial board of experts of the
Openness has always been part of responsible research. However, in a short time, what is meant by openness has changed. New digital tools and society's expectations create opportunities, but they also push the research community to increase the
Openness of research data increases the reliability and reproducibility of scientific research. It is often possible to use the same data in multiple ways in different studies. However, open access to the data does not require that the data be fully open.