The TSV Board has appointed the Steering Group of the Publication Forum for the period 2024-2027.
The Board of the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV) appointed the Steering Group of the Publication Forum for the period 2024-2027 on September 4, 2023. The Steering Group is composed of experts representing TSV, FUN Finnish University Libraries' Network, CSC – IT Centre for Science, The National Library of Finland, Ministry of Education and Culture, Research Council of Finland and Universities Finland UNIFI as well as the main academic disciplines. Learned societies and academies had the opportunity to propose people as experts in the main disciplines, and the appointed members were chosen from among the proposed persons.
The main tasks of the Steering Group is to draw the outlines regarding the maintenance, development and evaluation criteria of the Publication Forum, inform the background communities about the classification and appoint new panellists.
Steering Group members for the period 2024-2027:
Chair, Petri Karonen (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
Professor Ilkka Arminen (Social Sciences/University of Helsinki)
Counsellor of Education Jukka Haapamäki (Ministry of Education and Culture)
Professor Katja Joronen (Medical and Health Sciences/University of Turku)
Library Director Riitta Lähdemäki (FUN Finnish University Libraries' Network)
Vice President Riitta Maijala (Research Council of Finland)
Professor Kaisa Miettinen (Natural Sciences/University of Jyväskylä)
Professor Anne Mäntynen (Humanities/University of Helsinki)
Development Manager Joonas Nikkanen (CSC – IT Centre for Science)
Professor Heli Peltola (Agricultural Sciences/University of Eastern Finland)
Vice Rector Taina Pihlajaniemi (Universities Finland UNIFI)
Professor Juha Vaara (Natural Sciences/University of Oulu)
Information Specialist Timo Vilén (National Library of Finland) (appointment will be confirmed at the TSV Board meeting in December)
Adviser, Science and RDI Policy Saara Harjula (Universities Finland UNIFI)
Information Specialist Anna-Kaarina Linna (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
Senior Specialist Elina Pylvänäinen (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
Secretary General Janne Pölönen (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
Executive Director Lea Ryynänen-Karjalainen (Federation of Finnish Learned Societies)
The first meeting of the Steering Group will be organised in the beginning of 2024.
Image: Ylanite Koppens, Pexels.