Federation of Finnish Learned Societies has launched a project to develop a joint impact assessment framework adaptable to the Finnish universities’ profiles and needs. Workshop provides an overview of state-of-the-art impact assessment frameworks in the UK, Poland, Norway, the Netherlands and Finland. Aim is to discuss best practices and experiences for mutual learning and further development of impact assessment frameworks.
The seminar will be held in English and it is open for everyone interested in the topic.
14:00 Opening
- Gemma Derrick, University of Bristol: Impact assessment in UK REF
- Emanuel Kulczycki, University of Poznan: Impact assessment in Poland
- Jon Holm, The Research Council of Norway (online): Impact Assessment in Norway
15:30-16:00 Coffee-break
- Ludo Waltman, University of Leiden: Dutch Strategy Evaluation Protocol (SEP)
- Reetta Muhonen, Federation of Finnish Learned Societies: Framework for impact assessment in Finland
17:00 Closing of workshop
The seminar will be held as a hybrdid event, at the House of Sciences and Letters (Kirkkokatu 6, Helsinki) and Zoom. Please note that all times are UTC+2.
If you wish to participate on site, please register at lates 6.3. with this registration form.
For online participants, please find the Zoom link here: https://tsv-fi.zoom.us/j/81878688394?pwd=c2ROQk9RVm9NL0lXWHRPU200c0NHUT09 (password: 827040).
Image: Themrdan, Pexels.