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Helsinki Initiative webinar on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication includes three presentations from speakers representing different expert communities and strands of work. The presentations range from language barriers in conservation science to machine translation in scholarly communication and mapping the global journal landscape.
Date & time: 31 May 2023 10:00-11:30 CEST.
- Emanuel Kulczycki: Welcome
- Tatsuya Amano: Language barriers in conservation science: consequences and solutions
- Lynne Bowker: Machine translation and scholarly communication
- Mikael Laakso & Janne Pölönen: Mapping the global landscape of scholarly journals
The event is free and open for everyone to participate without registration.
Zoom: https://tsv-fi.zoom.us/j/86185951974?pwd=Sk5KZkRZRjJPcVNDekhaUnF1M2RLdz09
More details on the event on the Helsinki Initiative websites.
For further information email helsinki-initiative@tsv.fi.