We invite you to a webinar on Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) in the Institutional Publishing ecosystem. Join us for a thought-provoking, 90-minute webinar where we will present the findings of the DIAMAS Institutional Publishing Landscape survey, and the sections of the DIAMAS Extensible Quality Standard in Institutional Publishing (EQSIP) and Toolsuite and Guidelines, concerning gender and accessibility. The Webinar will also provide insights into developments in EDIB in scholarly publishing from C4DISC.
Date and Time: 4 June 15:00-16:30 (CET)
Registration: https://tsv-fi.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkd-ivrjouHdbnxFqBe5bQG5xCbjZYVtW2
Zoom link: provided by email to registered participants.
- Mikael Laakso: DIAMAS project and Landscape survey on EDIB (synopsis and report)
- Lynne Bowker: DIAMAS Toolsuite and Guidelines on EDIB (Gender equity Toolsuite and Guidelines and SURVEY; Accessibility Toolsuite and Guidelines and SURVEY)
- Sandra Shaw: C4DISC activities to promote and support EDIB
- Janne Pölönen (moderator)
- Open discussion
Contact: Janne Pölönen (janne.polonen@tsv.fi)
Organiser: TSV
Speaker bios
Mikael Laakso is an Associate Professor in Information Systems Science at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki. For over a decade he has been conducting research concerning the changing landscape in scholarly publishing by studying combinations of bibliometrics, web metrics, business models, science policy, and author behaviour. Mikael has been appointed the chair of the Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing since 2022 and has been taking part in many different national and international expert groups related to scholarly communication.
Lynne Bowker is Full Professor and Canada Research Chair in Translation, Technologies and Society at Université Laval, where her research interests include investigating the potential of machine translation and plain language for supporting multilingual scholarly communication. She is a member of CoARA WG on Multilingualism and contributes to the EU funded DIAMAS project.
Sandra Shaw is Director, Editorial, Design and Production at the University of Toronto Press. She has over 20 years of experience working in Canadian publishing, with a background in legal and scholarly publishing. At the University of Toronto Press, Sandra’s team is responsible for the publication of 200 scholarly books and 55+ journals, covering a variety of subjects, including history, theatre, science and medicine. Sandra is a Member-at-Large for the Canadian Association of Learned Journals (CALJ), a member of the Subscribe to Open Community of Practice and a C4DISC Steering Committee Member. She is a past member of the University of Toronto Press Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Task Force and has a keen interest in promoting equitable practices and opportunities in publishing.
Janne Pölönen is Secretary General for Publication Forum at Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (TSV). Lic.Phil. in history, specialising in ancient Roman law and society research, his recent work is in the fields of scholarly communication, bibliometrics, research assessment, open science and learned societies. He is a member of the CoARA Steering Board, coordinator of CoARA WG on Multilingualism, and advocate for the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication. He contributes to EU funded projects DIAMAS, CRAFT-OA and GraspOS.