Seeking the experts of the future 20.8.2018 In decision-making, attention should be paid to up-to-date expert information in all its diversity. Mikko Jakonen Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
Science and political decision-making – the Parliament of Finland’s Committee for the Future 20.8.2018 There is much less objective information in the world that we might think. What we do find is a number of well-founded alternative viewpoints. Olli Hietanen Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
What is social impact? 1.6.2018 The review of the State of Scientific Research in Finland approached the impact of research on society via the roles of science in society. Responsible Research editors Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
The researcher as the target of hate speech 23.5.2018 Encountering and preventing hate speech is an occupational safety and health issue. Maija Töyry Science communication Freedom of research Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
Why should researchers engage in public debate? 23.5.2018 If researchers and other experts withdraw from debate, the public arena will be taken over by others. Be brave and get out there! Esa Väliverronen Science communication Freedom of research Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
Communicating science to different audiences 17.5.2018 There are many kinds of science communication for many audiences. Erkki Karvonen Science communication Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
Communicating science can take time: textbooks and other professional literature 17.5.2018 Not all science communication is a high-speed performance. Slow tools are needed too. Pirjo Hiidenmaa Publishing Science communication Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
Researched information to support decision-making at national level 3.5.2018 Science also has an impact in supporting decision-making at national level, knowledge-based leadership and developing operating practices. Risto Alatarvas Effects and impact of research Responsible Research